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Showing posts from November, 2020

KF-DSA response to the City Council Postponement of the Equity Task Force Resolution - 11/16

Democratic Socialists of Klamath Falls response to the City Council Postponement of the Equity Task Force Resolution - November 16, 2020 The reluctance of the Klamath Falls City Council to pass the resolution of the Equity Task Force on November 16 th , acknowledging racism and income inequality as a social crisis, was demonstrative of the lack of awareness of the lives of non-dominant groups. The reduction of social well-being to economic incentives confines individual worth to profits. Equity Task Force members stated that acknowledging and dealing with racism is simply the “right thing to do,” though if this must be reduced to economic motives, its passage would shine brightly on city visitors and leadership, enabling a more welcoming community atmosphere. Equity Task Force members and citizens presented documentation and heartbreaking testimony, yet still faced the reticence of the council. Their actions lend credence to the phrase “the fish does not know the water it swims in.” Re...